Super Engineering Works

Various Types Of Needle Panel Meters

Posted by Admin on October, 31, 2019

A needle panel meter, commonly known as an ammeter is a measuring instrument which is used for measuring the current running through a circuit. The electric current is measured in terms of amperes. There are different types of panel meter available in the market which is used for measuring different quantities of current in terms of milliampere or microampere.

When these ammeters first came out in the market, they were mere laboratory instruments which completely relied on the magnetic field of the Earth for its operation. However, by the 19th century, with changes and modification in the device, the instrument got improved greatly. It has been specially designed so that it could be easily mounted in any desired position for seeking accurate measurements from the system circulating electric power.

What are the different types of Needle Panel Meters?

The needle-type panel meter exporters sell various types of current measuring equipment at a pocket-friendly cost. These machines are made using high-quality material and top-notch technology to ensure that the user gets an accurate reading from using it. Here, in this article, we will be dealing with the different types of needle panel meters available in the market.

• The Panel Meter with a Moving Coil

There are few types of galvanometers which are an ammeter with a moving coil. These devices make use of the magnetic force, which leads to deflection when current passes through the coil which is placed within the magnetic field of any permanent magnet. This charge of the magnet leads to movement in the coil, this recording the current strength.

The needle present in the panel meter moves in the direction opposite of the current because the magnetic field is kept polarised. This type of meter is commonly used in the ammeters and other such devices like the voltammeter or ohmmeter.

• Meter with a Moving Magnet

There are a few ammeters which have moving meters for the operation. The principle of this type of ammeter is quite similar to the ones who have a loving coil. The only point of difference between the two is the presence of a coil, which is mounted on the meter case and the use of a permanent magnet for moving the needle.

In devices using this mechanism, a larger amount of current can be carried. It is because the coils are made of thicker wire and the absence of hair springs help in current to stay instead of getting carried away.

• Panel Meters Utilizing Electrodynamics

There is newly designed ammeter which makes use of electromagnet in place of a permanent magnet. This type of instruments can respond to both the alternating current as well as direct current.

• Panel Meters with the Moving Current

There are certain ammeters which make use of a piece of iron which leads to the movement of the needle. The piece of iron includes a moving vane which is attached with a pointer along with a fixed vane. A coil surrounds it. These ammeters are commonly used for measuring the current of the AC circuits present in the industrial frequency.

This entry was posted on October, 31, 2019 at 14 : 45 pm and is filed under electrical. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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